Previously former Florida cops and J6 co-defendants Nathaniel Tuck and his father Kevin Tuck were identified as the two people in a notorious photograph taken in December 2020 at a Million Maga rally in Washington DC. The image showed a Proud Boy wearing a genocidally antisemitic T-shirt emblazoned with the acronym “6MWE” (6 Million Wasn’t Enough).

This event is not the only time Nathan Tuck has been photographed in possession of, or standing alongside, hateful imagery. In fact, all evidence points to Nathan Tuck being the Proud Boy operating a Telegram channel set up for recruiting Proud Boys into National Socialism called “The Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline” as well as posting Nazi propaganda under one of the more notorious neo-Nazi user accounts on Telegram and serving as the admin for other Nazi and Nazi-adjacent chats and channels.
Nathaniel Tuck’s Connections to White Lives Matter

Nathan Tuck appeared in photographs taken of White Lives Matter demonstrators in Orlando, Florida on May 14, 2022. He was captured standing alongside a group of Nazis holding antisemitic and other hateful signs. It wasn’t difficult to pick him out of the group since he was wearing not only his favorite shirt, hat, mask, and goggles but also his favorite battle jeans. His pant’s tears and patches match those from other photos of Tuck.

Content from both the “Official White Lives Matter” channel and the Florida WLM channel is reposted periodically by the “Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline” with both channels often posting the same content at the same time, suggesting that the two accounts are interconnected. The “Official White Lives Matter” channel has singled out the “Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline” as well as NSC 131’s official channel, thanking them for joining and supporting WLM actions and for boosting WLM accounts.

and NSC131 for supporting them.
The “Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline” is a primary booster of the Florida WLM account, and promotes all of the chapter’s actions. In addition to online promotion, the owner of the channel is involved with on-the-ground sticker campaigns and demonstrations.
More About the “Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline”
This infamous channel’s goal is to further radicalize or “race pill” fellow Proud Boys into Nazism. The owner of the “Proud Boy to Fascist” channel states their mission as follows:
“I made the point that I created this channel to radicalize Proud Boys and show them that fascism/Natsoc isn’t what we’ve been taught by the history books.
A large percentage of the Proud Boys have become race pilled over the last few years. Alot of Proud Boy chapters have become explicitly national socialist hangouts where you can fight, drink, and workout with brothers. Alot of Proud Boys also left the club to join groups with a more serious goal.
With that being said, I, myself, became a White nationalist after I joined the club. And once I was race pilled, I had too much time in the club, too many brothers, and too many memories to just leave. I decided that I would stay and bread crumb other Proud Boys. I stayed to lead my brothers to the truth. Many many guys have thanked me for showing them the way. That’s what it means to love your people. Don’t give up on them. Take time to show them the light. Take time to unlock their Aryan spirit.
When the race war really starts, alot of Proud Boys and former Proud Boys will be big allies to the cause.“
This channel has a shared an unusual number of doctored photographs that contain Nathan Tuck in them. One of these is a photoshopped version of a picture originally taken at a Trans Rights Rally counter demonstration in Orlando, Florida.

A slightly different angle of the same two protestors was captured by a passerby, allowing for a closer investigation into their clothing and other details.

Side by side comparisons between one of the demonstrators and Nathaniel Tuck appear to result in a match. Both are wearing similar Siege masks and Proud Boy caps, and both appear to sport the same eyewear as well. Most damningly, all of the holes and patches in their jeans line up.

To commemorate the self-imposed death of fascist Proud Boy Levi Romero, the “Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline” channel reposted a group photo of Proud Boys posing with neo-Nazi Proud Boys Romero and John G. Dominguez (aka “Stealthy Steve”). The other Proud Boys in the photo have their faces obscured, but the person between Romero and Dominguez making a low Nazi salute appears to be Nathan Tuck. Note the clothing, mask, and ring.
Dominguez produces surreal fascist artwork and is originally from Claremont, California, but more recently has been living in Florida. Levi Romero was mass producing racist and antisemitic memes and has been more recently living in the ground.

The owner of the “Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline” channel has posted extensively about getting out and doing “activism” for the cause. This mainly consists of putting up stickers for White Lives Matter. He couldn’t resist, however, tooting his own horn and promoting his own channel while doing so.
The “Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline” channel has been blocked by both Google and Apple apps due to its hate content. The majority of its posts and reposts call for extreme violence, and subjugation or death for Jewish people, Black people, LGBTQ+ folks, and other minorities.

The channel owner describes themselves as someone who arrived at nazism after being radicalized as a Proud Boy, and their gateway to the Proud Boys was via Gavin McInnes ‘s podcast beginning in 2016.
This ideology arc and entry point into fascism mirrors Nathan Tuck’s. Tuck’s Proud Boy application statements match the channel’s Proud Boy origin story.

The “Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline” channel posts a lot of violent, antisemitic and racist content of their own, but also reposts general fascist and Nazi propaganda from other channels. The bulk of these reposts are from the same handful of accounts, including “White Lives Matter”, NSC 131 (New England neo-Nazis), NatSoc Florida, “The Western Chauvinist”, “Hate Basin”, Erik Striker (NJP Nazi leader Joseph Jordon), and “The Patriot Pastor”.

The choice to repost “The Patriot Pastor” content seemed an anomaly, at least at first, and was one of the first clues as to the Pipeline channel owner’s identity. The inaugural repost was a video exhorting the races to work together to save conservatism. This video “counter signaled” (or undercut) the Pipeline channel’s own fascist messaging. Its initial embrace of all races uniting seemed out of place in a hatefully racist channel -until one considered who the Pastor was.
“The Patriot Pastor” channel was run by Kevin Tuck, Nathaniel Tuck’s father, a fellow J6 defendant and fellow former cop. Over time this since-deleted channel became more and more open about expressing White Nationalist and pro-Hitler beliefs. In a later video Kevin Tuck preaches white separatism and white supremacy.
Kevin was a Windmere Officer since 2019 until he resigned after his arrest for J6 actions on July 15, 2021. Prior to that Kevin Tuck worked as an officer for the Longwood Police Department from November 2011 to May 2017.
An Infamous Hitler-loving 4th Degree Proud Boy Account Linked to Nathan Tuck

The owner of the “Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline” has a notorious personal Proud Boy user account that posts exactly the same kinds of violent, antisemitic, and racist comments to slightly less radicalized or more “normie” Proud Boy-related chats and channels, including the Proud Boy public chat. He states:
“I didn’t begin as a WN. My views have changed over time. PB are ripe for radicalization as well. So becoming a race pilled PB has helped me radicalize dozens of other PB“
This account cycles through racist and antisemitic display names and changes his user account name often in order to avoid detection, but retains many of his previous profile images when he does. These username changes can be carefully tracked by referring to existing previous posts each time his name is changed and maintaining screenshots of every profile change. See the end of this post for a detailed list of names.

Not only does this account post lots of fascist and pro-Hitler content, it also spends a lot of time attempting to dox antifascists and antifascist researchers, incorrectly posting photos of innocent people and/or the outside of their homes to telegram channels, and even going so far as to use a picture of an alleged (misidentified) antifascist as their own profile photo at one point.
In this same vein they have been working closely with other J6 defendants, particularly those within Florida, to supply names and addresses of any individuals who have identified them or their actions in order to help Proud Boys sue for defamation. Given Nathan and Kevin Tuck’s close ties to law enforcement it’s within the realm of possibilities that they may be illegally gaining access to LE databases in an attempt to dig up dirt and personal information about their perceived enemies.

In addition to the Florida connection, and the new profile image of Nathan Tuck (added after last week’s unmasking of him), there were a number of clues in the profile photos themselves that have helped connect this account, (which will be referred to as “HHYFK /Nick Gerr etc.” from now on) to Nathan a while ago.

Nathan Tuck is a very serious weightlifter and has been for a number of years. One of the HHYFK/Nick Gerr/etc. account’s profile images depicted the torso of a muscular man posing in the gym. Recent photos of Nathan’s forearms show them to be quite hirsute, so it would be easy to rule out the profile photo as being of him. Luckily some older images of Nathan modeling workout gear with both shaved and unshaved forearms surfaced and his physique and the anonymous profile’s look very similar.
Hat tip to twitter user @ne0nedistaction for discovering those.

Another older photo used by the account showed a person with their head redacted laying in a twin bed, draped in a swastika banner and hugging a minions stuffed animal. Hours of research were spent hunting for a match to the sliver of a wall mural visible above the bed. Eventually images of the mural turned up in photos from a short-term rental just outside of Orlando, Florida.
This is not the only Florida connection. The account has close relations on Telegram with other Proud Boys charged for the J6 insurrection and displays a keen interest in their cases, particularly for those members who reside in Florida. Most importantly, the person behind the account has stated in private chats that they are located in Florida.

As with the Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline channel, Tuck’s own personal account’s goals and interests on Telegram are tied to recruiting Proud Boys (and other people in groups who he considers more traditionally conservative such as Civic Nationalist, alt-light, or “normie” online subcultures) into fascism, national socialism, and Nazism.

Nathan Tuck’s anonymous account posts are filled with racist slurs and violent rhetoric. He promotes a White Christian Nationalist trope that Jewish people are the tools of Satan and are plotting a white genocide by helping dilute the white race (aka the White Replacement theory).
Tuck often proclaims his profound love for Hitler and states that the wrong side won in WW2 in public and private Telegram chats as a way to attempt to normalize those beliefs within the chats. He calls to reject “optics” (in this case meaning not embracing Nazism publicly) in favor of working to shift the Overton window for what is considered an acceptable amount of violent rhetoric and hate speech within other groups and channels.

Not only are groups like the Proud Boys ripe for radicalization, many members were already all kinds of flavor of fascist prior to joining. The club has historically accepted National Socialists and members of other fascist and white supremicist groups, and elected them to leadership roles within the organization.
Nathaniel Tuck’s Connections to NSC 131
Nathaniel Tuck is a vocal supporter of NSC 131’s mission and activism. NSC 131 is a primarily New England based neo-Nazi organization that demonstrates in town centers and hangs highway overpass banners regularly. More about them can be found here. In addition to reposting and championing their content frequently in his “Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline” channel, Tuck has complimented them under his personal Telegram account(s).

Nathaniel Tuck serves as a main administrator for Nazi felon and NSC 131 leader Leo Cullinane’s private lifting and workout chat channel on Telegram. Named “RWDS Fitness Official Chat”, the chat is the private members-only group associated with Cullinane’s (who posts under the name @PurePower88) public “Rightwing Dumbell Squad” channel. (RWDS in this case is a play on the acronym for Right Wing Death Squad and refers to Rightwing Dumbell Squad).

Given his experience in body building and weightlifting, in addition to guarding the RWD Fitness chat for “antifa infiltrators” Tuck also serves as chat leader for “Fizeek Friday”. This is a weekly posting session where Nazis dox themselves post photos of their weightlifting, body building, diet, and fitness goal results and ask for advice and guidance.

Nathan Tuck appears to be a big fan of “The Hammer” (former marine Christopher Pohlhaus) is a Nazi celebrity who is currently taking a break from his livestream show to work on building a white ethnostate in rural Northern Maine. Pohlhaus sells branded “Hammer Shades” with Siege masks online, and Tuck appears to be wearing a pair in a video chat. He also complains to The Hammer that his sister ordered a pair weeks ago and still hadn’t received them.

In the interest of full disclosure: The fact that this account’s sister ordered Hammer shades introduced a bit of doubt into what until then appeared to be an airtight identification. However a visit to sister’s facebook profile cleared that up. In 2021 she posted a selfie in a mall wearing a White Lives Matter shirt and promoted racist propaganda flyers from the neo-Nazi National Justice Party (NJP) on her page.

Nathaniel Tuck’s Policing History
The fact that Nathan Tuck self-describes as a Nazi is especially troubling given that he worked for so many years as a police officer. He worked for the Longwood Police department from 2012-2018 and then the Apopka Police department from 2018-2020.
In 2022 the “Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline” posted a meme ridiculing George Floyd’s murder in 2020 at the hands of cops while he screamed that he couldn’t breathe.

Video taken in November 2019 by a neighbor of a Black man in Apopka Florida showed that Nathan Tuck and three other Apopka cops beat, tased, and knelt on him while he, too, screamed “I can’t breathe”.
According to reports, Jason Friend, a former police officer himself, was sitting in his car in his driveway listening to music that reminded him of his late mother. A neighbor called the police o complain that the music was too loud. The report, which was filed by Nathan Tuck, claims Friend hit him multiple times during the incident, which forced him to tase him. Friend was treated at a hospital and then arrested, but all charges were later dropped.
The video by neighbor is here, and is very hard to watch.
Friend has filed an excessive-force lawsuit against the city of Apopka. Among other things, the lawsuit accuses the city of negligence in hiring, “including the arresting officer who was a member of ‘The Proud Boys’ racist organization,” the Sentinel reported.
Body cam footage released by the Apopka Police Department is embedded in an article here. Their body cams “appeared to fall off” when they started beating and tasing Friend, and it seems the dashboard cam was not turned on or wasn’t working.
Nathan’s wife Gabi Tuck is still an officer with the Longwood Police Department. Given he’s stated that he began holding racist and antisemitic views as far back as at least 2017, both the Longwood and the Apopka communities should call for a review of any past interactions and arrests Nathan Tuck was involved with. Likewise, given his father Kevin Tuck’s sermons promoting White Nationalism and separatism, and his antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ+ beliefs, all interactions the elder Tuck had in the Windermere and Longwood communities while policing should be revisited as well.
Additional Identifying Information
The account has close relations on Telegram with other Proud Boys charged for J6 insurrection and a keen interest in their cases, particularly for those members who reside in Florida.
In a private chat the user also identifies themselves as residing in that state in a few ways including:
- Telling another anonymous account that they had just missed out on a big chapter gathering in Florida, and asking them to either fly in to Florida for the next one or let them know the next time they are somewhere near Florida so they can meet up.
- Mentioning that if plain water is not available for their meals they’ll order a sweat tea instead.
When asked if they are white, the account states they are “Scottish, Spaniard, and English”. Nathan Tuck’s mother is Latino and identifies as Hispanic. The last name “Tuck” is Scottish and/or English.
Nathan Tuck grew up in the Baptist church where his father served as Pastor, and where most of the congregants were Black or Latino. He and his siblings were heavily involved in the church themselves, and he played in the church’s band. This is the same type of environment described by the HHYFK/Nick Gerr etc. account in private and public chats. In fact, it’s also the same environment described by the person running the notorious “Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline” channel.
Two of Nathan Tuck’s phones as well as his laptop have been scoped by the U.S. Government as part of discovery in the government’s J6 sedition case against Joe Biggs et al. If I were an online or offline fascist connected with Nathan I’d be a little worried about what those scopes have turned up, and what additional information Nathan might share with the Feds as part of any potential plea bargain he might be offered in the future.

List of Nathaniel Tuck’s Anonymous Account’s Name changes
Tuck is careful about guarding his identity but the following are some of the posts he’s made in private chats under his various names
In chronological order:
- Went by My Name is Betty in 3/21-9/21 or later
- Went by Wooden Door
- Went by Anti Semetic Action
- Went by Nick Gerr
- changed account to @GJC88
- Went by Kate Hikes
- Went by Ligma Williams
- Went by George Floyd’s Fentanyl with “RF” as his bio.
- Changed account to @poyb8814
- Went by Classy White Nigger
- Went by HHYFK
- changed account to @HHYFK14
- changed account to @HHYFK83
- Went by We Protect Us
- changed account to @COMMANDERCHUD
- changed account to @6MWE
- changed account to @HamasSupporter
- Went by 6MWE