Racist, anti-Semitic, misogynistic Proud Boy and self-described fascist Duane Lee Rife II aka Pops Boominator of Fort Myers Florida has the great dishonor of being the inaugural entry on this blog. Let’s introduce this Creepy Even by Proud Boy Standards rightwing extremist.

63 year old Duane has been a regular guest on the Bobby Pickles podcast hosted by Florida proud boy Robert Vincent Piccirillo alongside a number of other alt-right, white nationalist, and fascist personalities.

Duane Rife is active in some of the most extreme corners of Telegram where he posts a daily barrage of antisemitic, misogynistic, and racist content, and engages in slur-filled banter with fellow Proud Boys, neo-Nazis, and other assorted white nationalists and accelerationists.
Rife not only socializes with violent white supremacists and fascists, he is one himself. A lightning bolt ring he wears regularly is fairly subtle, but his RWDS (Right Wing Death Squad) shirt with a Roman Eagle grasping fasces and his sonnenrad ring is not.

Note the similarity between this shirt and the more infamous version sported by an unidentified neo-Nazi Proud Boy that incorporated the acronym “6mwe”.
Proud Boys enjoy pointing to a small number of minorities and Jewish members allowed into some chapters when accused of racism and antisemitism, but the overwhelming number of white nationalists, national socialists, and assorted other fascists welcomed and active in the club is a truer measure.

Duane Lee Rife II aka “Pops Boominator” posts under the username “@Boominator88 or “Boominator 88” on social media. The number “88” is often used as a nazi signifier as it stands for the letters “HH ( Heil Hitler)” in the alphabet. Though many people might have this number in their social profiles for innocent reasons, given the sheer volume of racist content Rife posts it’s doubtful the choice is coincidental.

Duane Rife also has shown off a coin imprinted with nazi eagle and fasces symbols alongside the Proud Boy slogan “The West is the Best” and the words “Third Position”. The latter is an explicitly Neo-fascist and neo-Nazi rightwing political movement which seeks to overthrow existing governments and replace them with monocultural nation states built around the idea of supremacist racial nationalism and/or supremacist religious nationalism.
Rife also posts graphics of militarized neo-Nazis such as this one of a threatening fascist figure sporting SS patches with an assault weapon and sonnenrad symbol. He claims to be a fascist and “not a natsoc” but based on his social media his values certainly align with the latter.

Duane Rife has posted multiple times in defense of the fascist white supremacist group Patriot Front. He has lamented that he’s too old to meet their age requirement and has told them they need to start a “geriatric division” so he can join.
All of this is especially alarming given his background. Like so many other rightwing extremists within the Proud Boys and other fascist groups, Duane Rife served in the military. Rife was enlisted in the Army, likely in the Airborn division. Please reach out to chudbusters@proton.me if you have more information regarding his military service.
His constant stream of threatening and slur-filled video messages to telegram are often posted from his workstation. Please reach out if you know where Duane Rife is currently employed.
Rife seems to post in fascist channels all day long from work, so you’d think his workplace might be concerned about his productivity if nothing else. Some of these workplace rants can be watched at this youtube link.

In addition to his regular employment Duane and his current wife, an immigrant from Colombia, own a jewelry and watch business and storefront in downtown Fort Myers. His wife runs the shop, which specializes in jewelry from South America. Given her status as what appears to be a fairly recent immigrant and that English is not her first language she may not be aware of the extent of her husband’s extremism and therefore will not be named in this post.
As a side note- Duane Rife often posts “stop being poor” as an insult and brags about his rolex watches, expensive suits, and his cocaine habit. That’s an unusual choice given he’s had a house foreclosed on and sold at auction within the last decade.

Duane Rife is sloppy with his Opsec, which is why it was fairly easy to uncover his real identity.

Racist Proud Boy Bobby Van (real name: Robert Vanreyendam) left his private instagram’s friend list public where pal Duane Rife showed up with an abandoned account under his real name.
Likewise, it was easy to verify his name and current address based on video messages taken inside his house given a unique sliding glass door matched photos posted previously on real estate sites from 2017, the year he purchased it.