On December 12, 2020 hundreds of Proud Boys descended on Washington, DC to protest the results of the November Presidential Election. Most of the Proud Boys dressed “in colors” for what was billed as a second Million MAGA Rally. Many sported the organization’s signature black and yellow Perrys, as well as other clothing and accessories emblazoned with the White Nationalist group’s logos and catch-phrases.

One Proud Boy in attendance that weekend stood out. He was photographed wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the acronym “6MWE” above an image of an eagle holding fasces in its claws, the latter a historical Italian Nazi symbol. The letters “RWDS” were printed in red on the sleeve.
The acronym “6MWE” stands for “6 Million Wasn’t Enough”, a violently antisemitic statement meaning that the over 6 million Jews who were murdered during the Holocaust were not enough. “RWDS” stands for “Right Wing Death Squad”, an acronym that appears often on official Proud Boy merchandise such as shirts, caps, and patches.
He’s pictured milling around with other Proud Boys and event attendees on a corner in DC. In the foreground of the image there is a man with his cellphone raised as though he is documenting the photographer who captured this moment.

Until now neither the Proud Boy wearing the shirt nor the man recording with his cell phone have been publicly identified. There are two march attendees who were present in DC that weekend who have similar builds and who were wearing clothing similar to the two main subjects captured the infamous photo.
Those two people are former Florida police officers Nathaniel (Nathan) Tuck and his father Kevin Tuck, both of whom are facing charges for their participation in the violent events that unfolded January 6 at the Capitol. The following is an examination of the evidence in favor of them being two of the Proud Boys in the image.
Nathaniel Tuck

Both Nathan Tuck and the person wearing the T-shirt have a short stature and muscular build. Proud Boys on average tend to be vertically challenged, but not many of them have as muscle-bound a physique as Nathan, and fewer still have tattoo-free forearms.

Nathan Tuck and the antisemitic proud boy were both wearing masks with the same skull graphic on it that weekend. These so-called “Siege masks” are common with fascist and accelerationist groups, and among Proud Boys who share membership in those groups and/or share their ideology.

Both Nathan Tuck and the antisemitic Proud Boy wore a black baseball cap with a small embroidered PB insignia on the side, rather than the more commonly seen version of the official Proud Boy hat which has a larger logo. The underside of this version of the hat’s brim is gray. Photos taken throughout the weekend show Nathan Tuck wearing the same version of this hat multiple days.

Finally, both the unidentified Proud Boy and Nathan Tuck were wearing similar black tactical style boots that weekend. In fact, the lacing style and boot toes appear to be an exact match.
Although Nathan Tuck’s jeans and shirt are different than the unidentified subject’s in photos taken during the march and in street brawls later in the evening, ( the “battle” jeans appear to be a heavy material and may be lined with something like kevlar, and there is a faint outline of a bullet or stab proof vest visible under his shirt), note how both’s pants bunch similarly at the ankles.
Kevin Tuck

The person in the foreground of the now-viral image is wearing a T-shirt with an Under Armor logo on the front, medium gray pants with at least one angled side zip pocket, and a black baseball style cap. He’s also wearing a white gold or platinum wedding band, and his Siege mask is an exact match to that of his genocide-promoting companion’s.
Zooming in on the black cap reveals a velcro patch in the shape of a Condor Outdoor Products logo. Condor sells tactical military and law enforcement apparel, and an item pictured on their website seems to match.

Note the visible strip of velcro at the back of the hat as well. These velcro areas are available for temporarily attaching custom patches. On both December 12, 2020 in DC and January 6, 2021 at the Capitol Kevin Tuck was documented wearing a similar a black Condor hat.

The person in the photograph is wearing a T-shirt with a large Under Armor logo on the front. Kevin Tuck also appears to have brand loyalty to Under Armor. Here are at least two of the brand’s shirts he wears. Note how the fabric hangs around his midsection in the same way that the unidentified person’s does.

Note also the similarity of wedding band they both wear, which appears in photos and videos to have a more silver or white tone than typical gold bands.
Finally, on the night of December 11, 2020 Kevin Tuck was documented wearing medium gray pants in a thin, draping fabric. A zipper on the trouser leg appears to match the one in the infamous photo, and there even seems to be a similar spot on the side of his leg where the contents of Tuck’s pocket bulges out.

If former police officers Nathan and Kevin Tuck are the two people in this photo, then that could only be true if they are both antisemetic. We can let Kevin’s posts made under his since-deleted Telegram channel called “The Patriotic Pastor” speak for themselves.

As for evidence of Nathaniel Tuck’s antisemitism (and so much more) that will have to wait for the next installment. Stay Tuned!